








Obey's "Obama" in TIME cover


That's sounds great and we copied all from 'Arrested Motion' Mag: "On Friday, December 19th, TIME Magazine will release its “Person of the Year” issue. The winner… President Elect Barack Obama. He will get the cover of the magazine of course, but what image/photograph did Time use? They went to the person responsible for creating the most iconic portrait of Obama, Shepard Fairey, and asked if he would design the cover for the Person of the Year winner: Barack Obama. Time actually conducted a video interview with Shepard to dicuss the design process for the Obama cover image. In January '08, Shepard released the first image of Obama to his fans (Progress: edition of 350) and 10 months later he’s doing the cover for one of the most influential magazines in the world (Time magazine: weekly circulation 4,038,508). From a circulation of 350 to 4,038,508 in less than a year, and along the way he was also named one of GQ’s men of the year. Congratulations Shepard!"



"El pasado 19 de diciembre la revista TIME elegía a su 'Personaje del Año'. El ganador no podría ser otro que el Presidente electo de los EEUU Barack Obama. Para la portada se dirigieron al artista responsable del retrato más significativo de Obama: Shepard Fairey (OBEY). Diez meses más tarde de lanzar su imagen de Obama, Fairey ve como esta llega a la portada del TIME; una de las revistas con más influencia del planeta, y también de mayor tirada (más de 4 millones de ejemplares semanales). Enhorabuena Shepard!". Fragmento extraído de la revista 'Arrested Motion'.