1970, USA.
Lives and works in New York.
Photographer. Yelland's pictures feature the day-to-day experiences
of many different characters playing out their sexuality and
aggression with youthful invincibility. First published in Thrasher
skateboard magazine, Yelland’s work has expanded beyond
the world of skateboarding to become a collection of images
that lend voice to an entire generation transcending many locales
and social identities. Yelland’s photographs have been
exhibited worldwide. His photographs have been featured in various
publications including Visionaire, Spin, and Dazed and Confused.
1970, EEUU. Vive y trabaja en Nueva York.
Fotógrafo. Las imágenes de Yelland retratan el
día a día de muchachos mostrando las caras agresiva,
sexual e invencible de la juventud. Publica por primera vez
en la revista Trasher desde la cual retrata una generación.
Desde entonces, muestra su obra en todo el mundo y en publicaciones
como Visionaire, Spin y Dazed and Confused.