1968, USA.
Lives and works in New York.
Painter. His body of work reflects a fascination with graffiti,
sign painting, urban marketing and con games of all shapes and
sizes. After stints as publisher of On The Go magazine, author
of the books "The Art of Getting Over" (1999), “First
and Fifteenth: Pop Art Short Stories” (2005) and “Studio
Gangster” (2007) and full-time graffiti writer, Powers
began his studio practice in January of 1998. Since then, he
has shown his work at Deitch Projects in New York, the Venice
Biennale and The 2002 Liverpool Biannual.
[Next Door Neighbor To The Abyss], 2006
2 color silkscreen and mixed media
on soft white acid free archival paper with unique, original
16" x 20".
Signed and numbered by the artist.
Each piece has one or more unique drawings added to the silkscreen
Edition of 200.
Serigrafia a 2 tintas sobre papel intervenidas.
40'64 x 50'8 cms.
Firmada y numerada por el artista.
Cada pieza puede tener uno o más dibujos añadidos.
Edición de 200 ejemplares.
1250 $ / 975 €
Steve Powers (ESPO).
1968, EEUU. Vive y trabaja en Nueva York.
Pintor. Dedicado al graffiti desde el principio, y criminalizado
por ello en Nueva York, su obra se ha ido enriqueciendo con
intereses sobre la señalética, el marketing urbano
y juegos de todo tipo. Publica en 1994 On The Go Magazine. Es
el autor de los libros “The Art of Getting Over”
(1999), “First and Fifteenth: Pop Art Short Stories”
(2005) y “Studio Gangster” (2007). Es co-propietario
de The Indelible Market / Street Market. Ha expuesto en Deitch
Projects y en las bienales de Venecia y Liverpool.