



Rafael Fuster



Rafael Fuster

1978. Spain. Lives and works in Murcia.
Multidisciplinary artist. Rafael Fuster is a young Spanish artist who was educated in the Academy of Fine Arts of Granada University as well as in the Complutense University of Madrid. In recent years he lived in Paris where besides his pictorial and sculptural works, he also worked as theatrical designer. His austere and restrained work aspires to be a synthesis where nothing is left aside, but always with a glance of the past masters, especially focusing on the old Spanish School characterized by bareness in ornaments and its well-known opulent poverty.


Rafael Fuster's
Bolsa I
640 $ - 500 €

Rafael Fuster's
Bolsa II
640 $ - 500 €

Rafael Fuster's
Bolsa III
640 $ - 500 €

Rafael Fuster's
Bolsa IV
640 $ - 500 €

Rafael Fuster's
12 $ - 10 €

Rafael Fuster's
Sin título
1150 $ - 900 €




Rafael Fuster
1978, España. Reside y trabaja en Murcia.
Rafael Fuster se forma en las Universidades de Granada y Complutense de Madrid. En los últimos años ha residido en París. Su obra, austera y precisa, aspira a ésa síntesis donde nada sobra ni falta. Siempre con una mirada atenta al arte del pasado, especialmente a esa escuela castellana, austera, sin arabescos; de una pobreza de lujo.