



Pepa Prieto


Untitled 4



Pepa Prieto

Untitled 4

1974, Spain. Lives and works in Madrid.
Painter. With a Master in Fine Arts, her love for colors and texture grew into the vast array of paintings,drawings, graphic work, and installations she creates today. Pepa works with clients such as MTV, Pony, Element skateboards, Le cercle cre, The Body Shop, Khiel´s, Salomon Snowboards, Poketo, Little Otsu, Carhartt, Rossignol Snowboards... among others. Her work has been published in books and magazines around the world such as ¨Side Ways¨ by Die gestalten, IDN, Wad, Foam, Architectual Digest, El Pais. She has exhibited her work in places like Los Angeles, Barcelona, London, Paris and Madrid.


Untitled 4, 2008

3 color silkscreen print on 370 gsm acid free archival paper.
11.81" x 19.68".
Signed and numbered by the artist.
Edition of 30.

Serigrafía a 3 tintas sobre papel de 370 grs.
30 x 50 cms.
Firmadas y numeradas por la artista.
Edición de 30 ejemplares.

75 $ / 60 €




Pepa Prieto.
1974, España. Vive y trabaja en Madrid.
Pintora. Como artista multifacética el trabajo de Pepa abarca diferentes campos. Entre sus clientes se encuentran MTV, Element Skateboards, Pony, The Body Shop, Accessorize, Kielhs, Salomon, Rossignol o Carhartt. Las apariciones en prensa y en libros son amplias: Die Gelstaten ("Side Ways"), WAD, IDN, Foam mag, Slack magazine, Neo 2, Elle, Beach Brother, Slack, El País, On Madrid, Golden Ride, H Mag, Rojo, Cotton Tales, Yo Dona y El Mundo, entre otras. Su obra se ha expuesto en Londres, Los Angeles, Madrid, Barcelona, Glasgow, Paris y Berlin.