



Craig R. Stecyk III



Craig R. Stecyk III

1950, USA. Lives and works in California.
Photographer. In the late 1970s, as an original member of the “Dogtown” skateboard gang, Stecyk changed the look and attitude of skateboarding forever. He is perhaps best known as a documentary photographer. His articles and photo essays of the 1970s for Skateboarder magazine set a standard for throngs of rebellious individualists to follow. In 1993, he curated the highly successful exhibition, "Kustom Kulture", at the Laguna Art Museum, was a founding member of the Juxtapoz magazine collective, and was the production designer and writer of the film "Dogtown and Z-Boys".


Craig R. Stecyk III's
195 $ - 150 €

Craig R. Stecyk III's
38 $ - 30 €


Craig R. Stecyk III
1950, EEUU. Vive y trabaja en California.
Fotógrafo. A finales de los 70 como miembro de la banda de patín "Dogtown", Stecyk cambia la actitud del skater para siempre. Él es, quizás, más conocido como fotógrafo por sus artículos en la revista Skateboarder. En 1993 comisaría la exposición "Kustom Kulture". Es miembro fundador de Juxtapoz y productor y guionista del film "Dogtown and Z-Boys".